Category: Eternity

God’s Highest Priority

The popular adage, “God has a wonderful plan for your life,” ought to be forgotten and a new one adopted. “God has a wonderful plan for His life.” Now, that’s more like the reality we find in Scripture. Rather than being man-centered, the Bible is actually God-centered. This may seem strange to people. Even regular…
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Who is Really in Control?

At various times in our own lives, and even more so when we read up on the history of the world, we are tempted to think of the so-called super-power civilizations. For example, Rome was called the eternal city. Augustine, who was already witnessing the shifting foundations, put that notion to bed in his mammoth…
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The Gospel’s Paradox

No, I don’t mean that paradox, usually referred to as ‘antinomy,’ some time back made quite popular by J. I. Packer in his book, Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God, which is helpful in many ways, but ultimately, in my opinion, is unsatisfying. No, the ‘paradox, I mean is the utter senselessness of some biblical…
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Definitely Determined: The Day of Destruction

I know how much hatred there is for the doctrines of Calvinism. I have been attacked and accused of misrepresenting God with my views. From the epithet of ‘extreme’ or ‘Hyper-Calvinist,’ to being maligned as a ‘hard determinist,’ the latter is something that I do embrace. It needs some qualification, of course, as there are…
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Don’t Fit In?

Do you ever get the sense that you just don’t fit in? Maybe you feel alienated in this worldly environment that does not share your passions and values. I know something of this myself. The Bible tells us to renew our minds (Romans 12:1-2). Because the cosmic mentality is a threat to everything wholesome, we…
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