Month: October 2020

A Word Fitly Spoken: Salvation, Encouragement, and Exhortation

It is often recognized that portions of Scripture are geared to encourage and exhort. Sometimes, we need to hear the sweetness of a word that is timely in our downtrodden condition to uplift us emotionally and spiritually. The Proverbs speak of “a word fitly spoken” (25:11). Words have power. Not like the prosperity preachers imagine,…
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The All-powerful Name

What’s in a name? Perhaps you have heard this question asked or possibly you have asked it yourself. Names still matter in our day, but we tend to link names with the past rather than choose them, or have them chosen for us, with the future in mind. Biblical examples abound with names given and…
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Who is Really in Control?

At various times in our own lives, and even more so when we read up on the history of the world, we are tempted to think of the so-called super-power civilizations. For example, Rome was called the eternal city. Augustine, who was already witnessing the shifting foundations, put that notion to bed in his mammoth…
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The Gospel’s Paradox

No, I don’t mean that paradox, usually referred to as ‘antinomy,’ some time back made quite popular by J. I. Packer in his book, Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God, which is helpful in many ways, but ultimately, in my opinion, is unsatisfying. No, the ‘paradox, I mean is the utter senselessness of some biblical…
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